Friday, June 5, 2009

My Little Angel

Here are my baby's first shots that was taken yesterday noon during my ecographie. Hubby was allowed to enter inside the eco room and the doctor was very kind to explain us everything every single time she showed something to us on the monitor. Seeing our child moving so fast was really amazing especially when hearing the heartbeat. The feeling was undescribable and we were just smiling the entire time until we were in bed sleeping. My baby is already naughty because there was this time that she wanna search for this bone just above the spinal cord and the baby showed us his/her butt then moved once again. She thought that our angel wanna play hide and seek but the moment I said "baby, soit sage (baby, be kind)", he/she moved and gave us the best shot of the desired position that we were expecting. It was really funny yet cute. I'm a proud mama and I can't wait to have my angel on my arms :-)


marie said...

wow! I'm sharing your happiness! Congratulations!

imelda said...

wow its been a while that i wastn here and now ur preggy. im hapy for u sis.