Friday, May 23, 2008

Monthly Allotment

Seems like my friends and I have one thing in common these last days, the monthly allotment that we’ll be sending back home especially for the month of june. Me here, I am not that really problematic about it as I am working and a revenue from blogging. She on the other hand, she’s in a good lifestyle too but as she is the breedwinner in the family and her siblings are in college, that would mean that she’s sending more than me. If I only have something extra, I’ll surely lend her something but unfortunately, I only have what’s enough for me. I did told her to apply for a loan online because the approval is very fast and easy but I don’t know if she believes me or not. In my opinion, better to apply online instead of applying at the bank here. We’re foreigners here and that would mean that we’ll have to submit tons of papers. Better to directly apply at Payday Loan ABC because instant money will be transferred going to the applicant’s bank account. Hassle-free! Life is difficult huh?

Well, hoping that our family knows how hard life is here. We’re doing our best to give them the best life as we could.


Jean Marie said...

bloghopping! care to exchange links?

Francine Ann said...

jean sure lets exchange linx