Friday, December 28, 2007

Love Is In The Air

A romantic person has always been one of my weaknesses. That’s one of the traits I love with my husband because he is such a very romantic guy. It is indeed true that french people are really great lovers and pleasers. In my part, I do believe that romance is really important in any kind of relationship. Being romantic doesn’t really mean spending too much money on the gifts just to show that person how much you love him/her. I prefer the old-fashioned way when it comes to expressing one’s feelings for someone by doing simpler things in life like leaving love dedications or love notes with very expressive words on my pillow or in my pocket. Touching and kissing are very important for me and it feels good right especially when your partner couldn’t get his/her hands of you. I love it when hubby does that and it really feels good. Hubby’s words make my day especially when I’m sick or if I don’t feel good. His words makes me feel how much he wants me, needs me and loves me and I can feel it. I do love my husband very much and I’ll never get tired of showing him how blessed we are to have each other.

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