Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Dream Outfit

I just love this outfit very much. I've been eyeing for this clothes since I was still in PI until now here, but I couldn't find the coat and the bag rgrgrggr. Sale season will be starting here tomorrow and I am hoping that I'll find a similar coat like this at a very reasonable price. I don't like black for a coat because majority of the people here now are all wearing black. I wanted to be different a little bit in some other ways without being flashy or something. I'd like to have a very skinny jeans because it goes very well on the boats. The jeans I bought at Guess in Cebu are all hipsters and flares. I am crazy and I know that but I just love flares and I know that it won't be possible for me to use them at this seasons. But soon for sure. Huhuhu, do you guys saw something like this somemwhere else? I'm not searching for Prada, Dior or Gucci ha. I just want something that is quite cheap lolz <-----kuripot


Anonymous said...

try to look at ZARA & NafNaf, francine! i saw this ecru laine winter coat there. I wanted one also but in paletot style in ecru or dirty white color :-)

CLC Fashion said...

it's me lucille! ambot ngano na anonymous na nga gitype man unta nako akong ngalan. lol

Bless said...

i agree it's very chic and glam :-)

Francine Ann said...

lucille, magshopping lagi ko karun weekend kay may na lang makasave sa sale hehehe

Francine Ann said...

thanks bless. i really love this outfit