Saturday, August 18, 2007

Corrida en Espagne (le 23 Avril 2007)

Hubby likes to watch a tv program like this here in France. I really find this one dangerous and many toreros died because of the danger of this kind of show.

Corrida is a tradition that was originally brought to Spain by the Visigoths. Other people may find it very artistic and beautiful but if you ask me..I detest! But I respect anyone's culture, traditions and beliefs. I just don't have the nerve to watch this kind of show.

What do you guys think?


Wenchie said...

Hi Francine, would you know how this thing started? Or what's the significance? My niece went to Spain for her 6 week immersion studies and she mentioned about the bull-fights but she doesn't know either how it all started and the meaning of those fights.

Francine Ann said...

rowena, thanks for the comment here.your question is very response to your question is on my corrida del toros.i hope youll find the answers there